Mirko Teran Ravnikar (Winning Demo) Watching this demo, you will see why it won! It's full of effects, and very nicely put together. The only thing that could use improvement is the soundtrack. •Executable •Source |
Adam King Watch out for the ring wraiths. •Executable •Source |
Alex Mizrahi Remember the fireworks dragon? This demo does a pretty good job of recreating it. •Executable •Source |
Alexander Zaprjagaev Very cool looking ring with an incredible amount of detail. •Executable •Source |
Alexandre Couture The fire in this demo is awesome!!! Love the way it reflects off the ring. •Executable •Source |
Alexandre Jasmin One of the most bizaar entries. The idea is very cool. Love how the film distorts at the end. •Executable •Source |
Ananth Balasubramaniam The graphics in this demo are just cool! Watch it and you'll see what I mean. •Executable •Source |
Baldur Scott Karlsson This demo acts out each scene as it tells the story. •Executable •Source |
Bruno Loff This demo pans through the shire. Warning... the hobbits are creepy looking :) •Executable •Source |
Daniel Harrington Another very nice ring, with an original fire effect behind it. •Executable •Source |
Daniel Schaeppi The scene with Gandolf and the Balrog is great. Very nice graphics! •Executable •Source |
Flavien Brebion This demo has some amazing graphics. The opening scene is incredible. Crank the detail up! •Executable •Source |
George Ziniewicz This demo has some great effects. Make sure you check it out. •Executable •Source |
Graeme Harris A short demo with a nice soundtrack. •Executable •Source |
Graham Aldridge This demo has some cool scenes, although most of them are a little dark. •Executable •Source |
Henrique Tavares Alves One of the craziest demos submitted. See if you can figure it out :) •Executable •Source |
Hugh Sanderson Watch as the wizards battle it out. •Executable •Source |
Ildar Sagdejev Very nice scene with butterflies and cool particles. •Executable •Source |
Jesper Ek A nice slideshow type demo. Very cool first effect! •Executable •Source |
Kiel Mark Gilleade You'll have bad dreams after watching this demo. •Executable •Source |
Kristoffer Boman This demo takes so long to load I actually thought my system crashed the first time I ran it. Definitely worth the wait thought! •Executable •Source |
Krzysztof Topolski A recap of the story along with some short animations. •Executable •Source |
Markus Ilmola This is one huge battle. Very impressive engine! •Executable •Source |
Mauricio Garcia Serrano Demo features the shire and some cool visual effects. •Executable •Source |
Michael Hanslik I like the butterflies flying through the trees. Nice music as well. •Executable •Source |
Michael Pote This demo has some wicked effects. Love the water outside the mines and the super cool purple torches! •Executable •Source |
Mike Samsonov A very cool demo with some amazing graphics. •Executable •Source |
Mircea Marghidanu A very cool effect, with some nice techno music. •Executable •Source |
Mirsad Makalic A high resolution trip through the mines of moria. •Executable •Source |
Nils Scheuschner This demo looks incredible as long as your video card can handle it. It also takes a very long time to start... be patient. •Executable •Source |
Paul Kitchin A nice demo with voice narration. A nice variety of graphics. •Executable •Source |
Paul Robello I think this is the only demo that shows fire being used to see the rings markings. Very cool Effect, and great hobbit like music! •Executable •Source |
Peter Esculier War is brewing in this demo. •Executable •Source |
Petr Stetina Some really nice graphics. Love the flyby views. •Executable •Source |
Richard Glass A very dark and rainy Isengard. •Executable •Source |
Robert Merrison A marker moves over the map and at each stop, the story is told. •Executable •Source |
Rudolf Florian A very dark and very short demo. •Executable •Source |
Sharif Elcott The graphics in this demo are absolutely incredible! •Executable •Source |
Shree Kumar Nice landscapes with bits of the story thrown in. •Executable •Source |
Stein Nygaard A very bizaar demo with some really nice effects. •Executable •Source |
Stephen Cook A nice trip through middle earth? Love the waterfall and stream. •Executable •Source |
Steven Winsor Features a cool scroller and a nice water effect. •Executable •Source |
Troy Moure Very nice landscape. I especially like the fast fly over effect with rain falling. •Executable •Source |
Valdemar Rorbech Don't let the screenshot of Frodo and Gandalf fool you, this demo has some great effects! •Executable •Source |
Vincent David Very cool loading screen featuring the One Ring. •Executable •Source |
William Brander Trees, a hill and a very nicely etched ring. •Executable •Source |